For Teachers & Providers
Parent Tool Kit
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Other Resources
Child Care Works: Provides financial assistance to eligible families for child care
Assistance for weatherizing your home to reduce energy costs
Infant & Toddler Development
Creating Healthy Connections: Nurturing Brain Development From Birth to Three
Our Families, Ourselves: How Our History Influences How We Raise Our Children
Night-Night…or Not: Talking About Babies, Toddlers, and Sleep
Early Experiences Count: How Emotional Development Unfolds Starting at Birth
Beyond “Use Your Words!”: How Babies Begin to Develop Self-Control in the First Three Years
Feeding the Body and the Mind: Nurturing Healthy Eating Habits from the Start
Shh, Shh, It’s Okay: Coping With Crying in Babies and Toddlers
General Child Development
Sharing the Care: How Partnering with Your Child’s Caregiver Supports Healthy Development
Turning On or Tuning Out: The Influence of Media on Young Children’s Development
Why It’s Important to Involve Parents in Their Children’s Literacy Development